Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Unplug and Appreciate

Well, I've officially been home for 3 days. Transitioning back into regular life has been both easy and a little strange. Maybe it's because I seem to have no problem transitioning from one environment to another, or maybe it's because this is home. But after 2 months of living in Honduras, coming home gave me a bit of culture shock.
Whenever you're getting ready for a trip overseas, people aways talk about culture shock. Seeing a different culture and environment can be overwhelming. It's hard for me to describe, but I think Merriam Webster does a good job. "A feeling of confusion, doubt, or nervousness caused by being in a place (such as a foreign country) that is very different from what you are used to". Different countries and areas have such different customs and ways than we are used to. 

Coming home from a country where I was surrounded by abandonment, poverty, and frustration made me realize the value of things here. When we get comfortable, we can take things for granted and not understand just how blessed we are to live in a country where we can buy anything we could ever want, and in bulk none the less.

In a world of internet, smartphones, the latest and greatest, and an attitude of more-more-more, it can be hard to imagine surviving without these things. But for me, coming home to this environment, it makes me want to go back. I want to go back to a place where people talk to each other, say 'good morning' instead of pushing past you, where kids play outside, and where it's not a big deal when the power or internet go out. We are consumed by such trivial things. We need to be consumed with love and laugher and Jesus instead of phones and games and ourselves. 

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Matthew 6:19-21

So let's power down and take a minute to appreciate the blessings of God, and to be grateful for each and every thing we have in life. Even our breaths are a gift. Let's not take them for granted, but instead use them for the glory of God and to do the works He has created us for. 

I could go on and on, but I'll leave it here. Praying for my life to be all God has wanted it to be, and praying for yours to be the same. 

Much love + blessings, 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Love + Laughter

Yesterday marked the halfway point in this incredible journey. It's hard to believe that my time here is already half over. People talk about how when they go on mission trips, how their life is forever changed and how amazing it was. I'm not denying that any of this is true, because my life IS forever changed and it has been SO amazing working with Legacy of Hope Foundation and House of Hope. But I think the reason it's so hard to believe is that it seems normal. This has become normal life for me. Waking up, eating breakfast with 10 kids, feeding babies, lots of love and laughter, the peace of nap time, more laughing, more feeding, changing diapers, swings and slides, playhouses, hectic dinners, and quiet evenings. And on the days of teaching preschool; coffee, 6 crazy kids coloring and writing, practicing their numbers and shapes, alphabet songs, playtime, laughter and joy. I know it's going to seem too quiet when I get home. Kids are my joy, they are my heart. 

It's been so amazing seeing them grow from last year. Kaleb was just an itty bitty little guy, and now he is so playful and fun. Not to mention how he likes to chew on EVERYTHING. Literally everything. Isabella was a cute little baby, and now she is a beautiful toddler with such a joyful spirit. Anthony is even more fun than he was a year ago, and Brenda has grown into such an amazing little helper. I have loved getting to know them again, and have loved meeting the new babies. Lili is too cute for words, and Alejandro loves to sit up and see the world! Daniela is such a little princess, and I am so proud of how far she has come in the short time she has been here. 

House of Hope is so full of love and joy. Kids may cry, throw tantrums, and give you a run for your money. But underneath all of the crazy and frustration are genuine hearts and joyful spirits. I have learned so much from these kids. It's okay to make a mess when you're having fun, they're are no rules for how to play, your imagination can take you anywhere, and sometimes falling in the dirt can be the funniest thing in the world. Don't be afraid to try new things, search for bugs, and be yourself. We can forget the simplest lessons in life, and it can take a child to remind you. 

I can't wait to see what the next 3 1/2 weeks will bring, and I can't wait to bring all I've learned back home. I am honored and blessed to have this opportunity to do what I love, where I love, with people I love. Wishing you all happiness and joy, and the courage to try new things and be who God made you to be. 

Much love + blessings,