Saturday, August 19, 2017

Cornfields to Skyscrapers

July 14, 2017

This date is so so dear to me. On this day, I took a giant leap of faith and moved me, myself, and I out to Columbus, Ohio. God has such a funny sense of humor and there are so many small stories that line up into one big story. God's story. His story of getting my attention and giving me the courage and boldness to follow him passionately and joyfully, wherever that would take me. On July 14, 2017, I packed up my life in PA (because who actually calls it Pennsylvania) and made the 7 hour road trip with my parents.

And now I've been here for a whole month. I wanted to write sooner, but my life in Ohio took off almost immediately and I just haven't had the chance. I moved on Friday and started my job on Monday. I am SO excited to tell you that I am a full-time preschool teacher in the city of Columbus! I also now attend and work with Legacy Church as their preschool children's leader! Now, if y'all know me at all, you know that I am NOT a city person. I like my cornfields, cows, windy roads, and open skies. But let me tell you. God has a funny sense of humor. He took this woods-and-water-and-open-spaces-loving girl and stuck her in the city with traffic, big highways, and lots of people. He took me from cornfields to skyscrapers.

I can say that this has been the most eye-opening, heart-breaking, motivating transition of my life. This is my city.

I'll say it again.

This is MY city.

In my city, in my school, these kids are broken. They don't all have the life I did or that we hope each child has. Some kids don't sleep, some don't know a parent, some switch houses frequently, and some have parents who don't understand the value of a child.

This past week has been a little crazy. I was kicked. I was hit. I was spat on. I was yelled at, disrespected, and ignored. All by children. But you see, this just makes my heart break for them even more because I KNOW they have been created for a purpose and I KNOW that they have a heavenly Father who loves and cherishes them immensely. Through all of this misbehavior, I see brokenness. I see loneliness. I see a child who just needs some pure, honest love.

It may be stressful and crazy and overwhelming, but I know that God uses these situations to help us to grow into the people He created us to be. And I know that while I am here, He is going to use me to make a difference in the lives of these children. His children.

God has brought me hear for a purpose, and it's a divine purpose. He has a plan and His plans are for good.

It's been a crazy month. But it's been a good month. And I am thankful for the many more months to come full of learning, growing, stretching, and getting uncomfortable.

Much love + blessings,
