Saturday, August 19, 2017

Cornfields to Skyscrapers

July 14, 2017

This date is so so dear to me. On this day, I took a giant leap of faith and moved me, myself, and I out to Columbus, Ohio. God has such a funny sense of humor and there are so many small stories that line up into one big story. God's story. His story of getting my attention and giving me the courage and boldness to follow him passionately and joyfully, wherever that would take me. On July 14, 2017, I packed up my life in PA (because who actually calls it Pennsylvania) and made the 7 hour road trip with my parents.

And now I've been here for a whole month. I wanted to write sooner, but my life in Ohio took off almost immediately and I just haven't had the chance. I moved on Friday and started my job on Monday. I am SO excited to tell you that I am a full-time preschool teacher in the city of Columbus! I also now attend and work with Legacy Church as their preschool children's leader! Now, if y'all know me at all, you know that I am NOT a city person. I like my cornfields, cows, windy roads, and open skies. But let me tell you. God has a funny sense of humor. He took this woods-and-water-and-open-spaces-loving girl and stuck her in the city with traffic, big highways, and lots of people. He took me from cornfields to skyscrapers.

I can say that this has been the most eye-opening, heart-breaking, motivating transition of my life. This is my city.

I'll say it again.

This is MY city.

In my city, in my school, these kids are broken. They don't all have the life I did or that we hope each child has. Some kids don't sleep, some don't know a parent, some switch houses frequently, and some have parents who don't understand the value of a child.

This past week has been a little crazy. I was kicked. I was hit. I was spat on. I was yelled at, disrespected, and ignored. All by children. But you see, this just makes my heart break for them even more because I KNOW they have been created for a purpose and I KNOW that they have a heavenly Father who loves and cherishes them immensely. Through all of this misbehavior, I see brokenness. I see loneliness. I see a child who just needs some pure, honest love.

It may be stressful and crazy and overwhelming, but I know that God uses these situations to help us to grow into the people He created us to be. And I know that while I am here, He is going to use me to make a difference in the lives of these children. His children.

God has brought me hear for a purpose, and it's a divine purpose. He has a plan and His plans are for good.

It's been a crazy month. But it's been a good month. And I am thankful for the many more months to come full of learning, growing, stretching, and getting uncomfortable.

Much love + blessings,


Saturday, May 27, 2017

So I Will Go

My whole life I have been chasing the plans God had for me. Yeah, I had some bumps along the way. You could say I fell into a ditch and struggled to climb my way out. But I've always been faithful in stepping into the next adventure God placed at my feet.

I've been on some great adventures: traveling with Holy Hands, working with FL Kids, being on Youth Staff, teaching in Honduras for almost 2 months, teaching in North Philadelphia, embracing the life of kindergarteners, and attending the best university in the state (I promise that's a completely unbiased opinion, obviously).

//Bravely following God's call all over the world with coffee in hand and joy in my heart//

This is my mission statement. This is why I'm here. These words echo through my thoughts with each
decision I make and each step I take. There are a few more words that I strive to make true about myself.

"Living a life full of adventure."

I don't want to lead some boring, monotonous, stale life. I want excitement. I want change. I want challenge. I want to joyfully and passionately embrace each new season that God brings to my life. Each new season is a new adventure.

I'm on to my next adventure. I am so filled with joy to tell you that I will be faithfully pursuing God's plan and purpose for my life by taking a leap and moving to the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio.

It's sad to think that I will be leaving the church I have called home for the first 21 years of my life. Freedom Life has taught me so many things and brought so much passion and love for Jesus into my soul. I've met some amazing people and made the most wonderful, life-long friends. Freedom Life with always be family.

I am taking all I have learned from my pastors, mentors, leaders, and friends and bringing it to Legacy Church in Columbus, Ohio. This July begins a new season full of fun, growth, challenges, and new experiences.

I said this before beginning my student teaching, and I'll say it with each new beginning.

In the wonderful words of Bilbo Baggins, "I'm going on an adventure!".

Much love + blessings,

Becky xoxo

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

He Said "Go"

People ask me a lot why I like paper airplanes and why I have a tattoo of one. Well here it is kids. It's story time.

I have the coolest parents who love Jesus more than anyone I know. Their hearts for people and our Father are SO great. God called them to reach people, just like He calls all of us. But for them it was special. From the first moment I can remember, I was taught to serve. 

My earliest memories are from Florida because when I was 2 years old, my dad took a giant step of faith and moved our whole family to Pensacola. God told him to go into ministry and attend Brownsville Revival School of Ministry. I don't remember much other than our tire swing in our giant tree out back, lighting fireworks in the driveway, riding my bike with my brother and our friends, hopping the fence to go to the neighbor's, and Missionettes. What's Missionettes? Picture the Girl Scouts, except we were taught about serving, honoring, and glorifying our Lord. However, my proudest memory is standing in the kitchen with my mom while Craig ate cereal out of his green bowl with a straw and giving my life to Jesus at 5 years old.

Because of my parents' faithfulness and dedication to serving Jesus, I grew up knowing who Jesus was, what He did for me, and loving Him for it. When I was just a little girl who still loved pink and pig-tails, I went on my first missions trip with my parents. I may not remember it, but I can guarantee that I am who I am now because of that experience. 

Every minute of every day of my life, I've been taught to serve. I've been taught to honor. I've been taught to show grace and to forgive. Every day I have been taught to show Jesus to those who don't know Him, and every day I learn more and more of what that looks like. 

I was heartbroken when my parents wouldn't let me go to England with my brother on a missions trip. I even wrote them a letter explaining why I should go. 12 year old Becky wanted nothing more than to travel and serve Jesus. I am thankful that they wouldn't let me go because it lit a fire in me that has yet to fade. A fire and a passion to see the wonder of God's creation and to spread His love among the nations. 

Little did I know at 12 years old that I was born into a missions-centered family and that God put that fire in me for a reason. I grew up watching my parents travel, watching my brother travel, and traveling with them to follow the great commission. My greatest memories, moments, summers, and adventures involved hopping in a van or plane or car and traveling to nearby cities and distant lands to do what I was created to do. Serve Jesus. 

Just for fun, here's a list. 

2009: one week in Philadelphia
2010: one week in Philadelphia
2011: one week in Haiti
2012: two weeks in Honduras
2013: five weeks traveling PA + NY with Holy Hands (One18)
2014: one week in Honduras
2015: seven weeks in Honduras

7 years. 7 trips. 18 weeks.

2016 was a rough year for me. I had such an itch to jump on a plane and fly off to the place God had for me next. I committed to going to Romania, but that trip was canceled not long after it was announced. I had options and I prayed. I asked God to show me where to go next and told him that all I wanted in life was to follow the path He had for me. What He told me has stayed with me since. 

He said, "Go somewhere you don't want to go to do what I have created you to do."

Now, this has a few significant parts. Isn't it funny how God knows EXACTLY what will get your attention because of multiple prayers you've prayed? 

"Do what I have created you to do."

I talk to God a lot when I'm in the car. That's where I spend most of my Jesus time. We had a conversation about a year and a half ago about what He wanted me to do. At that time, I had a few semesters of school left and was looking for what direction He wanted me to go. I knew I was called to work with kids, but I didn't know in what capacity. That day He told me. "You are created to teach kids about Jesus."

"Go somewhere you don't want to go..."

I have a list. It's a long list. It's a list of all of the places I want to go, all the places I want to see, all the places I wouldn't hesitate to travel. There were countries I didn't have any interest in, never crossed my mind, or just plain didn't want to see. So when God told me somewhere I didn't want to go, I was surprised that I didn't hesitate. I said, "Okay, God. Use me. Stretch me." I knew exactly where he was talking about.

I have had less than 0% interest in going to Africa. One of the options I had was to go to Zimbabwe to help in an orphanage and go to schools and put on assemblies. I had instant peace when God answered the way He did because I knew what He meant. I was called to go to Africa. Or so I thought. 

I was more excited than I had been for any other trip. I started fundraising right away. God provided in some amazing ways, right down to getting my airfare money in THE DAY IT WAS DUE. My heart was so full and I was so ready to get on that plane. I was broken when the trip fell through only a few hundred dollars short of my overall cost. I thought He called me to go to Africa, but it turns out He called me to trust Him in ways I had forgotten were possible. I learned to rely on Him when all seems lost, to pray bold prayers, and to bravely follow Him.

These are lessons I keep close to my heart every day. God has called me to a life of missions. He has called me to a life of serving Him, loving kids, and bravely following him. 

Bravely following God's call all over the world to teach kids about Jesus. 

So really, the paper airplane is only a part of the story.

Much love + blessings,
